Visualizzazione di 6 risultatiOrdina in base al più recente
Scrivere «a ventura» o «col compasso»
Le lettere degli scrittori nel primo Cinquecento
a cura di
Veronica Andreani e Veronica Copello
pp. 296
Letteratura ragione represso
Su Francesco Orlando (1934-2010)
a cura di
Stefano Brugnolo, Francesco Fiorentino,
Gianni Iotti, Luciano Pellegrini, Sergio Zatti
pp. xiv, 398
Sociophonetics, at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication
Edited by Silvia Calamai, Chiara Celata and Luca Ciucci © 2012, Edizioni della Normale
Papers from the international workshop “Sociophonetics, at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication”
Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 14th-15th December, 2010
- Francesca Biliotti, Silvia Calamai, Linguistic opinions and attitudes in Tuscany: verbal guise experiments on the varieties of Arezzo and Florence, pp. 1-4
- Paolo Bravi, Social and cultural factors in the /dd/ phonetic change in Sardinian, pp. 5-8
- Silvia Calamai, Chiara Celata, Towards a sociophonetic explanation of anticipatory and perseverative assimilation in Italian nasal+stop clusters, pp. 9-12
- Rachele Delucchi, Francesco Cangemi, Michele Loporcaro, Sociolinguistic interpretation needs geography (and dialectology): final unstressed vowels in some southern Campanian dialects, pp. 13-16
- Maria Chiara Felloni, Daniele Avesani, The global interrogative intonation as a social index in Parma linguistic community, pp. 17-20
- Nicholas Flynn, A preliminary investigation of the sociophonetics of Nottingham adolescents, pp. 21-24
- Antonella Gaillard-Corvaglia, Empiricism and sociolinguistic cladistics: analysis of a Salentinian idiolects network, pp. 25-28
- Sandra Jansen, High back vowel fronting in the north-west of England, pp. 29-32
- Svetlana Kaminskaïa, Language maintenance and tonal variation in French in contact, pp. 33-36
- Stephanie Lain, Acoustic [voice] correlate variation by dialect: data from Venezuelan Spanish, pp. 37-40
- Katalin Mády, Shortening of long high vowels in Hungarian: a perceptual loss?, pp. 41-44
- Alexandra Markó, Judit Bóna, Fundamental frequency patterns: the factors of age and speech type, pp. 45-48
- Sylvia Moosmüller, The roles of stereotypes, phonetic knowledge, and phonological knowledge in the evaluation of dialect authenticity, pp. 49-52
- Nadia Nocchi, Lorenzo Filipponio, Lo vuoi co[z]ì o co[s]ì? A sociophonetic study on sibilants in the regional Italian of Livorno (Tuscany), pp. 53-56
- Hans Georg Piroth, Peter Skupinski, Merging and splitting processes in Mountain Silesian: A comparison to the Standard German vowel system, pp. 57-60
- Hanna Ruch, Affrication of /st/-clusters in Western Andalusian Spanish: variation and change from a sociophonetic point of view, pp. 61-64
- Valentina Russo, Norbert Dittmar, Bernd Pompino-Marschall, The early days of oral language teaching: the diffusion of German in fascist Italy, pp. 65-68
- Stephan Schmid, Segmental features of Swiss German ethnolects, pp. 69-72
- Isao Ueda, On the sociophonetic status of emphatic verbs in Shizuoka Japanese, pp. 73-75
- Alessandro Vietti, Language contact and sociophonetic variation, pp. 76-79